“Hi, I’m Joseph, and here is my story.”

Having had a dual career in business development and mental health, I have had the honor of working with many wonderful people. My mental health work has included working with children with emotional challenges in group homes, family settings, and community-based activities. I have also had the privilege to provide service to adults with disabilities.

In business development, I have consulted with the computer and microelectronics industries for several years, as well as serving clients in finance and investments. I currently conduct projects in the digital marketing and mergers and acquisitions space.

I started blogging a few years back wanting to share my life experiences and to assist others in taking the next step to their greatness. All of the mistakes that I have made, and the resultant pain that I have experienced, has positioned me to be able to empathize with others and develop the trust needed to make a significant impact in supporting them on their journey.

Join me in simplifying our lives so that we can create based on our authentic values and goals. It is a process of “undoing” all the borrowed knowledge and needless baggage we have picked up along the way. Let’s simplify things a bit and focus on what really makes a difference in our lives.

It’s not about having more stuff but the quality of the stuff we have. This includes our mindset as well as our physical possessions.

Quality Thoughts

Quality Decisions

Quality Results

Having been an avid learner my entire life, my interests have varied. I enjoy music, dance, writing, reading, golf, and sports in general. I have also participated in sports and martial arts, and enjoy traveling, teaching, coaching, and online marketing.  I have a thirst for adventure and exploring new things. I have discovered that when you “enjoy” what you do, you NEVER have to retire. Why would you? That’s why I am known as “The Un-Retired Entrepreneur”.